carlos molina


Carlos Molina was born in Cali, Colombia. He started his studies at the age of 10 at the Instituto Colombiano de Ballet Clasico “Incolballet” in Cali, where he obtained his Certificate as a Professional Dancer after 8 years of training. He also trained at the Houston Ballet Academy in Texas for one year.

In 1992, Carlos joined The Ballet de Cali Company in Cali-Colombia, where he danced as part of the Corp de Ballet. In 1994, he joined the the Hartford Ballet in CT USA as a Principal Dancer and danced with the company for 4 years. Carlos is the Winner of the first Igor Youskevitch Award given at the New York International Ballet Competition in 1996. During the 1997-1998 season, while still with the Hartford Ballet, Carlos also danced with American Ballet Theatre in NY. In 1998, he joined American Ballet Theatre full time where he was promoted to soloist in 2001 In ABT performed numerous soloist and principal roles.

In 2004, Carlos joined the Boston Ballet as a principal dancer where he danced for 6 years. After that Mr. Molina danced as freelance principal dancer for many years.

Along his long career Carlos has danced with many companies and in several events around the World. He has been recognized by many choreographers and directors as an incredible partner and artist. His wide and mixed repertoire as a principal dancer includes ballets such as:

Giselle, Swan Lake, La Sylphide, Sleeping Beauty, Coppelia, Eugene Onegin, Taming of the Shrew, Romeo and Juliet, Fire Bird, Cinderella, The Nutcracker, Raymonda, Don Quixote, An Afternoon of a Faun, Spectre de la Rose, Les Sylphides, Le Beches, Etudes, The Dream, Variations for Four, Three Virgens and a Devil, Billy the Kid, Pillar of Fire, Offenbach in the Under World, Leaves are Fading, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Apollo, Western Symphony, Serenade, Who Cares?, Raymonda, The Four Temperaments, Ballet Imperial, Symphony in C, Divertimento # 15, La Valse, Jewels, Theme and Variations, Polyphonia, Sin and Tonic, Bruch Violin Concerto # 1, Belling The Slayer, Paramour, Ancient Airs, Weren’t We Fools, Petit Mort, Six Dances, Sarabanda, Diversion of Angels, Without Words, Black Tuesday, In the Middle Some What Elevated, In the Upper Room, Brahms Haydn Variations, Diana and Acteon Pas de Deux, Flames of Paris, Don Quixote Pas De Deux, Pas D’esclave Pas de Deux, including his own Spartacus, Jeu D’Amour, Carmen…as well as many other works from fantastic and well known.

Choreographers such as:

John Cranko, McMillan, Petipa, George Balanchine, Fokine, Nijinsky, Bronislava Nijinska, Anton Dolin, Antony Tudor, Harold lander, Agnes De Mille, Ashton, Kirk Peterson, Ben Stevenson, John Neumeier, Maina Gielgud, Kevin McKenzie, Bournonville, Mikko Nissinnen, Jiri Kylian; Lar Lubovitch, William Forsythe; Nacho Duato; Martha Graham; Paul Taylor; Twayla Tharp; Choo San Goh, Jean Grand Maitre, Graham Lustig, Jorma Elo, Christian Holder, Christopher Wheeldon among others.

Carlos is a Certified Ballet Teacher by The American Ballet Theatre’s National Training Curriculum since 2008-2009.

In addition Mr. Molina is a Licensed Massage Therapist and Body Worker. Has done studies in CranioSacral Therapy with The Upledger Institute, Reflexology, Arvigo Mayan Abdominal Massage, Visceral Manipulation with The Barral Institute, Active Isolated Stretching and Strengthening (AIS) with Mr. Aaron Mattes, Cross Core Training, Floor Barre Certified, PBT Progressive Ballet Technique and is also a Certified Gyrotonic Instructor.

Carlos is the Co-Founder and Artistic Director of “INTEGRARTE” Dance Art Movement Center, first stablished in Boston-USA and now relocated in Spartanburg SC.

For many years Carlos has been teaching and coaching young students, pre-professionals and professional dancers as well as adults. He has taught for Institutions like the Boston Ballet, American Ballet Theatre as well as guest teacher and coach for many other institutions.

He is married to former Boston Ballet’s principal dancer Erica Cornejo.