Membership, and donor involvement at Colorado Ballet is your way to support our professional ballet company, academy, and education & community engagement efforts. Connect to a community of patrons who are deeply involved with the future of ballet. These groups offer a chance to share your talents, your enthusiasm, your expertise, and your financial support with our organization.
Colorado Ballet’s Premier Society honors donors who make annual gifts of $1,000 or more in support of our artistic and educational mission. Premier Society donors enjoy personalized access and special opportunities to deepen their engagement in the company’s programs, special projects and artists.
Be on the forefront of arts and culture: join Friends of Colorado Ballet as a member with an annual contribution. As a thank you, receive special offers and benefits to enhance your ballet going experience.
Colorado Ballet Auxiliary supports all elements of Colorado Ballet through fundraising, audience development, education, and social activities.
Colorado Ballet’s Backstage Barre is a group of young professionals dedicated to growing a new generation of ballet enthusiasts through approachable access to events and community engagement.
Colorado Ballet Legacy Society recognizes and honors the valuable contributions of friends that care deeply about ensuring a strong and stable future for Colorado Ballet and have expressed their commitment by including Colorado Ballet in their will or long-term plans.
For more information, please contact the Advancement team.