

Summer 2021 Updated COVID-19 Policy 

These protocols pertain to all students participating in summer classes including Summer Intensive, Young Dancer Workshop, Open Program, Children's and Elementary Division Classes, and Summer Camps.  

  • Students who are vaccinated must submit a copy of their COVID-19 vaccination card by email or hard copy prior to the first day of their classes. This will be kept in a secure file and not shared outside of Colorado Ballet.  
  • All students will be required to fill out a weekly health screening. This will be required on Monday of each week. A reminder with a link to the screening will be sent on the Friday before.   
  • Students ages 12 and up who are fully vaccinated may remove their masks while dancing.   
  • Students who are not vaccinated must continue to wear masks at all times and should maintain social distancing (6 feet away from others) to the extent feasible.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Michael Williams at or Ashley Adler at 

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