
Professional Developement
& Adult Education

Wondering how you can get your students up and moving, or connect dance to your science curriculum and turn STEM to STEAM?

Book any of our in-school or virtual workshops for adults. We will be happy to modify any workshop to fit your needs, level and space. We can come to staff meetings, retirement centers, book clubs and more.

We can provide an opportunity for you and other staff members to let loose and move, train you on how to use dance in your classroom, or show you how to use BrainDance as a brain break. Cost is typically $100/hour* for one Colorado Ballet Teaching Artist and 10 to 30 of your participants, but please feel free to reach out with questions and we’ll do our best to accommodate you.

*Additional fees may apply

Some of our favorite options for adults include the following:

  • Ballet 101: made for adults, this workshop covers some ballet history, theater etiquette and tips, and the basic ballet steps and arm and foot positions.
  • Any technique workshop (listed on our Workshops page)
  • BrainDance*: a lesson on BrainDance, integrating movement into your daily life, and the benefits of dance for adults.
  • Cultural Folk Dances

For questions or to book, fill out the online registration located on our School Workshops page or contact the Education Department Manager Emily Herrin at

*This warm-up is a series of exercises that is “comprised of eight developmental movement patterns that healthy human beings naturally move through in the first year of life…cycling through these patterns at any age, daily or weekly while sitting or standing, has been found to be beneficial in reorganizing our central nervous system.” - Creative Dance Center,

Contact Us

For questions or to book, fill out the online registration located on our School Workshops page or contact the Education Department Manager Emily Herrin at

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